Our relationships
At EWOQ, we work with industry, government, regulators, consumer groups and other Ombudsmen to:
- raise awareness of our service
- share information about complaints
- encourage improvements in customer service.
Read more about our relationships with other organisations.
Memorandums of understanding
We work with various organisations within the energy sector and government. See our current memorandums of understanding with these organisations:
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator (PDF, 294.21 KB) – July 2015
Australian Energy Market Commission (PDF, 352.54 KB) – January 2014
Department of Energy and Public Works (PDF, 2765.67 KB) – March 2021
Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (PDF, 2647.45 KB) – March 2021
Office of Fair Trading Queensland (PDF, 648.77 KB) – July 2019
Queensland Competition Authority (PDF, 320.07 KB) – November 2019
Queensland Ombudsman (PDF, 217.1 KB) – June 2018
Industry organisations and regulators
Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association (ANZOA)
The peak body for ombudsmen in Australia and New Zealand. EWOQ is a member of ANZOA
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
Manages the National Electricity Market, and the retail and wholesale gas markets of eastern and southern Australia
Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
Regulates energy markets and networks under national energy market legislation and rules, mainly in eastern and southern Australia
Australian Gas Association (AGA)
Provides certification services for all gas appliances and gas components to be sold and used in Australia
Energy Networks Australia (ENA)
Represents gas and electricity distribution businesses in Australia
Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)
Monitors the electricity market operations in Queensland and enforces electricity and gas distribution network codes.
Complaints bodies
We provide dispute resolution services to residential and small business energy customers across Queensland, and water customers in South East Queensland.
If we receive complaints that fall outside this scope, we refer them to an appropriate organisation that may help. See a list of these complaint bodies.