Our selection process

Once we receive your application, we follow a selection process that helps us assess your suitability for the role and EWOQ.

You may be invited to:

  • participate in an assessment (e.g. psychometric and role-related exercises)
  • attend an interview (face-to-face or online)
  • give your consent for reference checks and pre-employment screening.

We may also check your online presence, including internet searches and social media.

The panel will try to meet any special requirements you need to attend an interview.

If you require any adjustments, discuss these with your contact person before your interview. We are an equal employment opportunity employer and consider all reasonable requests.

We provide feedback to all applicants on request.

You can request feedback on applications or interviews through the contact person on the position description.

This feedback is based on our assessment of your merit against the assessment criteria.

We use personal information that we collect about you during the recruitment and selection process to assess your suitability for a position under Chapter 5 of the Public Sector Act 2022.

All information you give us relating to a vacancy is subject to the:

As a result, we may be required to release this information under the relevant Act if requested.

Contact our Right to Information/Privacy Coordinator on 1800 662 837 if you have any questions.

Here is some information you need to disclose to us during the recruitment and selection process.

Serious disciplinary action

You need to tell us about any serious disciplinary action taken against you in the Queensland Public Service.

We consider any relevant disclosures when assessing your suitability for the role.

Citizenship requirements

To be eligible for temporary employment, you must provide proof that you can legally work in Australia.

Only applicants who meet these citizenship requirements are eligible for permanent employment with the Queensland Public Service:

  • an Australian citizen
  • a person who lives in Australia and has permission, or a right to be granted permission, to live in Australia indefinitely
  • a New Zealand citizen who has a special category visa, or a right to be grant this visa, under the Migration Act 1958 (Cwth).

Lobbyist disclosure

Within 1 month of starting a role at EWOQ, you must tell us about any employment you’ve had as a lobbyist in the previous 2 years.

Read the Queensland Government’s policy on Disclosure of previous employment as a lobbyist.

Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment payments

You need to tell us if you’ve received any early retirement, redundancy or retrenchment payments.

If you receive severance benefits and are re-employed by a Queensland Government agency within the period covered by the benefit, you may need to re-pay part or all the benefit.

For more information, see: