
Our corporate publications, including annual reports, strategic plan, policies, submissions and more.


Strategic plan

Our strategic plan for 2024-2028, including our vision, commitments and challenges.

Annual reports

Download our most recent annual report and reports from past years.

Corporate documents

Policies, procedures, frameworks and plans that support EWOQ's operations.

Gifts & benefits register

Registers showing the gifts and benefits given and received by EWOQ over the last year.


Our submissions to influence policy and legislative changes that will affect Queensland energy or water consumers.


Our collection of brochures to help customers with common queries and for community workers to provide to clients.

Customer satisfaction research

Links to recent and past reports on our customer satisfaction research, which help us continuously improve our services.

Complaint statistics

Our latest figures on the types of complaints we've received in the last year and how many we've resolved.

Make a complaint

Read our complaints process, the types of complaints we help with and how to submit a complaint.